Shingle Roofing Systems

Shingle Roofing

If you’re a commercial or industrial building owner in need of a new roof, you’re sure to find there are plenty of old and new options to choose from. When sitting down with a Central Roofing Company roofing contractor, you’ll likely hear asphalt shingles as one of your options. To make the best decision for your building, your finances and your peace of mind, it’s a good idea to widen your understanding of asphalt shingles and their advantages.

Different Types of Roofing Shingles

Modern-day shingle roofing is available in three essential categories: dimensional, strip and premium. Each type has unique features and appearance, so one shingle type that looks good for apartment roofing may not be a good fit for multi family homes.

  • Dimensional shingles are the most popular option for industrial and commercial real estate owners in the U.S. These shingles are the heaviest and thickest, which you may prefer if you desire a roof that looks like it has layers. Another standout feature of dimensional shingles is they often come with warranties that match the durability of the actual shingles.

  • Premium shingles can make for a great choice if you desire a roof with a bit of protective flair. These shingles can be manipulated to look like older shingle styles, such as shake and slate. If you like, you can opt to imbue these shingles with special features that reflect UV rays or are especially resistant to impacts.

General Advantages
of Asphalt Shingle Roofing

Now that you know a bit more about your options with asphalt shingle roofing, you may be interested in the unique benefits this type of roofing provides for Los Angeles commercial and industrial businesses. Asphalt shingles are among the most affordable when compared to other types of materials. As you can see from above, there are plenty of options to choose from when it comes to asphalt shingles, making it easy to find the perfect option no matter your style.

Asphalt shingles are quick and easy to install, which can save you time as well as money. That being said, the best results are had when the experts of Central Roofing Company install your shingles.

If you desire a highly durable roof that’s sure to last you and your property for the long haul, organic could be the way to go. These shingles are made from paper waste mixed with asphalt, and the design also includes adhesive salt and ceramic particles added on top. There’re also fiberglass asphalt shingles, which are made from a blend of asphalt, glass fiber and mineral fillers, which combine to make for superior fire protection.

Learn More About Asphalt Shingle Roofing

To take a look at some of the different asphalt shingle roofing options described above, contact Central Roofing Company to schedule a consultation. Call us at (310) 527-6770 or submit an online contact form while you’re here.