Project Spotlight: Fosselman’s Ice Cream Commercial Roof Replacement [2024]


It goes without saying that nobody looks forward to getting a commercial roof replacement. But if your building constantly has roof leaks, ponding, or a smell of mold, you can pretty much bet you’ll need a roof replacement.


It’s certainly not fun and it sure is expensive getting your roof replaced. That’s why it’s important that you hire the right commercial roofing contractor who can get the job done. You want to make sure your new roof lasts you another 30 years!


When that time comes it’s good to be informed when you’re taking bids, you don’t want to get taken advantage of.  To help you with that, here’s the commercial roof replacement and cool roof coatings we did for Fosselman’s Ice Cream in Los Angeles, CA.


Who is Central Roofing Company?

Central Roofing Company is a family-owned and operated commercial roofing company with over 30 years of experience in commercial roofing. Some of our clients include See’s Candies, Rexford Industrial, and 20th Century Fox to name a few.


Below is a step-by-step guide of what to expect. Let’s dive in!


Commercial Roof Replacement1. Inspection of the current roof condition.

As you can see, the roof at Fosselman’s was not in great condition. Not that we get a ton of rain in Los Angeles, but when it did rain, it leaked. Not only that but there was ponding and cracking of the roof membrane.


Fosselman's Commercial Roof Replacement Los Angeles


After the initial inspection, based on the structure and the rotting wood deck of the roof, we recommended a tear-off and full replacement with a multi-ply modified bitumen commercial roofing system.


Why Modified Bitumen Commercial Roofing System?


Unlike single-ply such as TPO and PVC, modified bitumen is 2 ply system that has a thickness of about 5 quarters (literally stack up 5 quarters together and that’s how thick a mod-bit roof is), which is much thicker than a single-ply system.


Not only that, but Modified Bitumen’s are also flexible which makes them able to withstand extreme cold, or in the case of Fosselman’s in Los Angeles, extreme heat. Accounting for all these factors we felt this was the best system for the commercial roof replacement project.


The Commercial Roof Replacement Process Begins

2. Removal of the old roof

Since the condition of the roof was so bad, it was best to remove the old roof and install a full commercial roof replacement. This includes replacing the wood decking underneath once this was accomplished we can move on to the next phase of commercial roof replacement.

Tear Off Commercial Roof Los Angeles

3. Install Base Sheet

After the old roof was completely removed, we supplied and installed a new 28 Ib. asphalt-saturated base sheet, secured to the deck with large, galvanized nails. Afterwards, we installed new pipe and vent flashings. Also, because the client referenced ponding issues on the roof, which no doubt played a huge role in rotting the roof, we built up all the low areas with fiberboard to correct all the ponding issues..

HH95 44. Underlayment Installation

The underlayment is a water-resistant or waterproof material placed between the wood decking and the roofing materials. It prevents the water from rain or melting ice from seeping into the wood decking and causing damage to the roof surface.

In this project, we used a fiberglass membrane that was anchored in providing the roof the strength it needs. Being that Mod-Bit is a 2-ply system this is the first of the 2-ply system.

It was a self-adhesive system that adhered almost immediately after laying it down.

5. Install the commercial roofing system

The underlayment is a water-resistant or waterproof material placed between the wood decking and the roofing materials. It prevents water from rain or melting ice from seeping into the wood decking and causing damage to the roof surface.

Modified Bitumen Commercial Roof


In this project, we used a fiberglass membrane that was anchored in, providing the roof the strength it needs. Being that Mod-Bit is a 2-ply system this is the first of the 2-ply system.


It was a self-adhesive system that adhered almost immediately after laying it down.


The Modified Bitumen System was installed by a torch down system. Using torches, commercial roofing technicians fused the membrane onto the underlayment. Once the roofing system is fully torched and rolled, we fully sealed the joints using a elastomeric white roofing sealant.


Once the installation was complete the result was a single unified membrane across the roof.


6. Apply the Acrylic “Cool Roof” Coating


Now that the roof is completely new and sealed, and all of the potential problems have been resolved, there is only one thing left to do. It’s time to apply the acrylic roof coating.


Applying from edge to center, from one end of the roof to the other, we applied the cool roof coating evenly throughout the roof. Once the roof coating has dried, which is usually in 24 hours in Los Angeles, we applied the second coat.


Once the second coat is completed the result is a beautiful new title 24 compliant protective coat, over the modified bitumen roofing system.


In this particular project, we went with the APOC 243 Elastomeric Coating

Acrylic Roof Coating on Commercial RoofConclusion


The result was the entire flat commercial roof replacement, which was approximately 3,600 square feet, was a new Title 24 Compliant Cool Roof system with
a 15-year labor and material warranty.


In case you’re wondering what Title 24 means. California Title 24 is the Energy Efficient standard in California. When it’s compliant, it meets the energy efficient standard in lowering energy costs and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


It’s updated every 3 years to keep up with the times.